The Special Needs House

Welcome to our house rehabilitation adventure in Medford, MA. After paying sky high rent for two years, we decided to take the plunge back into home ownership. This is no small task here on the East Coast. After a lengthy search and one misfire, we located this homely little house that needs ALOT of TLC. It is relatively close to Lorna's work, was reasonably priced (for the east coast) and the worst house in the neighborhood...meeting all of our top objectives. Larry has gained an instant job and is hard at work transforming this 1936 gem. Check back often to see the progress.

Countdown Clock

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Update on the Wildwood Estate

It has been awhile since I've posted an update on the progress of the Wildwood Estate rehabilitation.  The work is progressing.  Helps when we have a goal to work towards.  Karen, Chris and the kids recently visited so this provided some much needed incentive to get some things done.  It wasn't as far along as we wanted, but it was adequate for house guests for a few days.  Still have some trim and painting to complete inside.  Then the work outside begins.  The fence has all but fallen completely down over the winter and the house is badly in need of painting.

Larry's latest project is the amazing fireplace.  I'll post some photos of before and after so that you appreciate the artistry of the mantle and enclosure for the TV above.  To top it off, Larry built a cute little center speaker to just fit below the TV.


In Process

Larry's homemade speakers sound amazing!